Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

德语 — 汉语
手拉手 驾驶执照

英國駕駛執照 英国驾驶执照/British driver's license


中國駕駛執照 中国驾驶执照/中華人民共和國機動車駕駛證 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证
德國歐盟駕駛執照 德国欧盟驾驶执照
華盛頓特區駕駛執照 华盛顿特区驾驶执照/Washington DC Driver's License

国际驾驶执照/International Driving Permit
Ein Internationaler Führerschein ist ein Dokument, das von den Straßenverkehrsbehörden oder Automobilclubs eines Landes aufgrund zwischenstaatlicher Verträge ausgestellt wird. Er soll vor allem der Polizei eines anderen Landes die Feststellung ermöglichen, ob ein ausländischer Kraftfahrer die Fahrerlaubnis hat, die für sein aktuelles Fahrzeug erforderlich ist.


国际驾驶执照(International Driving Permit)依照1949年日内瓦国际道路交通公约1968年维也纳国际道路交通公约,由公约签署国政府签发,方便本国驾驶员在其他签约国驾驶私人车辆。国际驾驶执照为附加在一国驾驶执照之上的一本附加多国语言的说明,标注了驾驶人的基本信息以及允许驾驶的对应车辆种类等,解决驾驶员与其他国家的交通管理部门之间的沟通障碍。国际驾照不能独立存在,当驾驶员同时持有一国驾照与该国政府签发的国际驾照时,此国际驾照才视作有效。[1]


Ein Internationaler Führerschein ist ein Dokument, das von den Straßenverkehrsbehörden oder Automobilclubs[1] eines Landes aufgrund zwischenstaatlicher Verträge ausgestellt wird. Er soll vor allem der Polizei eines anderen Landes die Feststellung ermöglichen, ob ein ausländischer Kraftfahrer die Fahrerlaubnis hat, die für sein aktuelles Fahrzeug erforderlich ist.

An International Driver's Permit (IDP) allows you to drive a vehicle in another country, as long as you also have a valid driver's license issued by your state. It is also recognized as a proper form of identification in over 175 countries and by many major car rental companies internationally.

Getting an International Driver's Permit (sometimes incorrectly called an international driver's license) can take anywhere from a day to a few weeks, depending on whether you're going through walk-in processing or applying via mail, so make sure to plan ahead if you're planning to drive on your international trip. There are only two locations in the United States that issue these documents: The American Automobile Association (AAA) and the American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA).

In the United States, International Driver Permits (IDPs) are only issued by the American Automobile Association and the American Automobile Touring Alliance, and the State Department recommends against purchasing an IDP from other outlets as they are all entirely illegal to buy, carry, or sell.

IDPs can be issued to anyone over 18 who has had a valid driver's license for six months or longer. They typically remain valid for one year or the expiration of your existing state driving license. It's essential to investigate an IDP before your trip and make sure you know the requirements.

Both AAA and AATA are excellent sources for these documents, so once you've selected a provider, go to either the AAA's or NAATA's website, print out the International Driving Permit Application, complete all applicable fields, and submit it.

Once you have the application completed, you can send it in via the mail or visit a local office of an organization like AAA; you'll also need two original passport-sized photos and a signed copy of your valid U.S. driver's license as well as an enclosed check for the fee.

Tips to Getting and Using Your Permit

AAA offices can process IDPs during your visit, but processing generally takes 10 to 15 business days if you send the application in. However, expedited services may be available to get your license within one or two business days for an additional fee.

When applying, you'll need a computer and printer, a completed application, a copy of your valid U.S. driver's license, two passport photos, and a check, money order, or credit card to complete the process. Remember to bring these with you if you're applying in person.

Always make sure to carry your valid United States driver's license when driving internationally, as your IDP is invalid without this accompanying proof of eligibility to drive. IDPs only translate domestically-accepted licenses and do not allow those without government-issued driver's licenses to drive abroad.

You'll also want to make sure to enclose the proper fees (the fee for the IDP, as well as any shipping and handling fees), photos, and photocopies of your license when submitting your application to AAA or AATA as omitting any of these required documents will result in your application being rejected.

You should also check the driving requirements and laws for the countries you will be driving in on your vacation, so you'll know what will be required in the event you get stopped by local authorities. (Quelle:

日本駕駛執照 日本驾驶执照/運転免許/うんてんめんきょ
驾驶执照(日语:運転免許/うんてんめんきょ unten menkyo),是指在日本国内,驾驶汽车与摩托化自行车上路所需要的必要证件。在日本的国内制度中,国家公安委员会和警察厅交通局负责管理、监督和授予驾照国家资格的职责。同时,日本驾驶执照为众多日本国家资格中,最多日本国民所持有的。在日本如没有特别指明,一般都会简称作“免许”(日语:免許/めんきょ Menkyo)。

驾驶执照(日语:運転免許うんてんめんきょ unten menkyo),是指在日本国内,驾驶汽车与摩托化自行车上路所需要的必要证件。在日本的国内制度中,国家公安委员会警察厅交通局负责管理、监督和授予驾照国家资格的职责。同时,日本驾驶执照为众多日本国家资格中,最多日本国民所持有的[1]。在日本如没有特别指明,一般都会简称作“免许”(日语:免許めんきょ Menkyo)。

In Japan ist ein Führerschein (運転免許, Unten menkyo) erforderlich, um ein Auto, Motorrad oder Moped auf öffentlichen Straßen zu fahren. Die Führerscheine werden von den Kommissionen für öffentliche Sicherheit der Präfekturregierungen ausgestellt und landesweit von der Nationalen Polizeibehörde überwacht.

Japanese licenses are divided by experience level and by vehicle type.


Name Japanese Description
Provisional license 仮運転免許 Issued to a new driver undergoing training for their Class 1 license. Requires the driver to display learner's black-on-white plates on the exterior of the vehicle, and to be accompanied by a supervising experienced Class 1 license holder while driving. This license expires unless a learner driver gains a Class 1 license within six months.
Class 1 license 第一種運転免許 The ordinary licence for operating a private car.
Class 2 licenses 第二種運転免許 Required when operating a commercial passenger-carrying vehicle such as a taxi or bus. Driver must be 21 years of age or older and have at least three years of experience driving under a Class 1 ordinary vehicle/heavy special vehicle license (relaxed to two years for members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. One year and 19 years old by certain lesson in driving school).


The vehicle classes are as follows:

Name Japanese Description
Heavy vehicle 大型自動車 Any vehicle which weighs 11,000 kg or more in total, has maximum capacity of 6,500 kg or more, or carries 30 or more people, and is not classified as special vehicle, motorcycle or moped.
Medium vehicle 中型自動車 Any vehicle which weighs between 7,500 kg and 11,000 kg in total, has a maximum capacity between 4,500 kg and 7,500 kg, or carries 11 to 29 people, and is not classified as heavy vehicle, special vehicle, motorcycle or moped.
Semi-Medium vehicle 準中型自動車 Any vehicle which weighs between 3,500 kg and 7,500 kg in total, has a maximum capacity between 2,000 kg and 4,500 kg, and is not classified as heavy vehicle, medium vehicle, special vehicle, motorcycle or moped.
Ordinary vehicle 普通自動車 Any motorised vehicle which is not classified as heavy vehicle, medium vehicle, semi-medium vehicle, special vehicle, motorcycle or moped.
Heavy special vehicle 大型特殊自動車 Specialised automotive equipment such as tractors or cranes which are used for particular work and are not classified as small special vehicles.
Small special vehicle 小型特殊自動車 Specialized automotive equipment with a maximum speed of 15 km/h or less and no larger than 4.7m × 1.7m × 2.8m.
Heavy motorcycle 大型自動二輪車 Any motorcycle including a sidecar with a power exceeding 20 Kw (400cc for engine displacement), and is not classified as special vehicle.
Ordinary motorcycle 普通自動二輪車 Any motorcycle including a sidecar, and is not classified as special vehicle, heavy motorcycle or moped.
Moped 原動機付自転車 Any motorcycle with a power 0.6Kw or less (50cc or less for engine displacement), or motorized quadricycle which is not larger than 2.5m x 1.3m x 2.0m with a power 0.25Kw or less(20cc or less for engine displacement).

The "restricted to automatic" license (AT限定免許) can be issued for ordinary vehicle (including Class 2 license), ordinary motorcycle and heavy motorcycle license classes. The "restricted to small motorcycle" license (小型二輪免許 1.0Kw/125cc or less) can be issued for ordinary motorcycle license class, and can be issued along with the "restricted to automatic" license.

Vehicle Type Ratings

The vehicle type ratings are as follows:

Type of
Class 1 license
Vehicle types allowed to drive Minimum
Vehicle (自動車) Special vehicle (特殊自動車) Motorcycle (自動二輪車) Moped
Heavy (大型) Medium (中型) Semi-Med (準中型) Ordinary (普通) Heavy (大型) Small (小型) Heavy (大型) Ordinary (普通)
Vehicle license
Heavy (大型) Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted   Permitted     Permitted 21*
Medium (中型)   Permitted Permitted Permitted   Permitted     Permitted 20*
Semi-Med (準中型)     Permitted Permitted   Permitted     Permitted 18
Ordinary (普通)       Permitted   Permitted     Permitted 18
vehicle license
Heavy (大型)         Permitted Permitted     Permitted 18
Small (小型)           Permitted       16
Motorcycle license
Heavy (大型)           Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted 18
Ordinary (普通)           Permitted   Permitted Permitted 16
Moped license (原動機付自転車免許)                 Permitted 16
Trailer license (牽引免許) Required to drive any heavy vehicle, medium vehicle, semi-medium vehicle, ordinary vehicle or heavy special vehicle, towing a trailer weighing more than 750 kg gross (other than when towing damaged vehicles). 18
  • The minimum requirement for heavy or medium vehicle license can be relaxed to 19 years old and one year experience under ordinary vehicle/heavy special vehicle license by certain lesson in driving school.[1]
紐約州駕照 纽约州驾照

奧地利歐盟駕駛執照 奥地利欧盟驾驶执照
意大利駕駛執照 意大利驾驶执照/Italienischer Führerschein

法國駕照 法国驾照
西班牙駕駛執照 西班牙驾驶执照